Greenfield Village to Host Hudson Birthday Party!

I'm not sure what ole Henry would have thought of my headline, but in a way it's true! With this year being Hudson Motor Car Company's 100th Anniversary we are finding that many car shows, and events around the country are featuring our favorite cars. This is one such example, and is a show not to be missed! On September 12 & 13, 2009 The Henry Ford Museum will be hosting their 59th annual Old Car Festival which features authentic bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trucks, from the 1890's through 1932. They will be having a special display area set aside this year to help celebrate the centennial of the great cars built by Hudson.

The show is held within the grounds of Greenfield Village, with the vehicles being displayed on the front lawns of all the historical buildings, and homes. What makes this show truly like stepping back in time is that all through the weekend, they encourage the participants to drive their cars around the streets of the village. This enables visitors to experience seeing, and hearing these cars in action within this historic setting. To help keep the traffic flowing, they even have traffic cops posted at the main intersections dressed in period costumes.

This is a free invitational event for cars built from the 1890's through 1932 that are restored, or un-restored originals. They do require all entries to be authentic, and period correct so that they appear as they did when they were in daily use, which helps to make this show a true time machine experience. Participants are provided with 4 buttons which give you free admission to the village, and The Henry Ford Museum on the days of the show, discount coupons for up to 4 additional admission tickets to the village, and discount coupons for up to 4 combination ride passes. All in all a great deal!

There are many fascinating demonstrations, concerts, and entertainment activities scheduled all through the weekend that are guaranteed to keep you busy. Another feature of this show is the "Pass-in Review" that is conducted all through the weekend. Participants are encouraged to drive their car through a reviewing stage area, and automotive historians will describe some of it's unique features, and history to the spectators.

The highlight of the weekend is the "Gaslight Tour" on Saturday evening. Beginning around 7:00 pm as darkness falls, all of the cars are invited to take to the streets in a giant parade all around the village. This is a one of a kind light show while hundreds of early cars with their gas, kerosene, and early electric headlights illuminate the route. Then at the end of the evening, they have a spectacular fireworks display to cap it all off.

Last year was the first time that I had been to this event, and it was one of the most entertaining, and fun shows that I have ever been to. We managed to clock over 27 miles on my 1920 Essex cruising around the village over the course of the weekend. All the little kids really get a kick out of trying to get you to sound off your AAAOOOGAH horn every time you go around!

I would like to encourage all of our members that own these early cars to dust them off, and consider going to this event. With this year's show having a special display area to feature Hudson's 100th birthday, it would be a shame if the 2 Hudson, and 2 Essex cars that were there last year are the only ones to show up.

This show is a fantastic opportunity to display our cars to a massive audience of people that may have never heard of the Hudson Motor Co. Just to give an idea of the scale, they estimated they had around 10,000 spectators, and over 900 cars participating on Saturday of last year's show. This is the largest event that they hold at Greenfield Village each year.

If you go, they do let you unload, and take your car into the village to park it in the display area on Friday evening. You can leave your car in it's parking spot all weekend, as it will be locked up with plenty of security on the grounds at night. Much safer, and easier than trusting it at a hotel parking lot in the Metro Detroit area to say the least. There is a special secure "behind the scenes" parking area provided for tow vehicles, and trailers. We dropped the trailer there all weekend, so we didn't have to drag it to the hotel every night.

For information on the 2009 Old Car Festival you can contact Abby Boggs, Creative Programs Registration Supervisor at 313-982-6058, or you can download the Festival Invitation letter, Criteria Sheet, and Application on-line at: The most surprising part of this event, there is NO registration fee! The deadline for sending in your application , including current a picture of your car is July, 31 2009, so don't delay! I'm sending mine in today. Hope to see you there!
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