1926 Touring Questions

Hello Everyone, I posted a message a few months ago inquiring about needing a complete clutch and flywheel assembly for a 1926 Hudson touring. Unfortunately my computer got a virus not long afterwards and I am just now getting back to normal with everything. I had several people respond that I could use the flywheel and clutch from another year such as a 1927 or 1929. However, I received other e-mails saying that this would not work. I am somewhat lost at this point so can anyone steer me in the right direction? I am still looking for the parts. Thanks to everyone who responded.

I am also trying to figure out how to remove the door handles so that I can begin stripping the flaking paint. I have removed the screws from both the inside and outside handles, but I can't get them to budge. Is there some sort of special tool I need or a hidden clip I need to remove? What am I missing here? I do not want to force them and risk breaking the handle or tearing the leather door panel which is still salvageable.

A couple of more questions. Does anyone know what the original color options were for the body for a 1926 touring? I also need to know what color the engine was. From the brochure it looks like a combination of black and gray.

Thanks for your help, Pace
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