1916-1929 Pump impellers are ready

Attachments :
    Erwin Sanchez-Flores has the pump impellers ready.

    So here is the scoop. These are impleller blanks. The only thing you

    need to do is have a machinist cut the shaft hole and drill the pin.

    You can choose to also have a key way cut if you think you need it.

    Why did we do it this way? We found some variation in the different

    pump impellers and this way you can have your pump impeller custom fit

    to your pump shaft and housing He has three available for sale, first

    come first serve. They are made of Red Brass/Bronze, they are $120 a

    piece. This price just covers the material and the casting. It

    doesnt even start to touch the cost of the mold. Erwin has

    contributed much of his own funds without expectation that he will be

    able to recover the cost. He is doing for the love of early Hudsons.

    He can also have them cast in aluminum if you so desire for $100 a

    piece. They can take up to 3 weeks to cast.

    If you are interested in purchasing please send an e-mail first to

    HEThudstuff@bellsouth.netHET (remove the "HET"s). You can mail

    payment to 1809 S. Brookwood Dr. Shreveport, LA 71118.
    This discussion has been closed.