Re: Question for Geoff or anybody else

Hi all

I recently picked up a supposedly rebuilt E4
motor.  I would like to start it up and see what it sounds like. 
There is clean oil in the pan but as a precaution I dumped about a litre
into the tappet gallery in case the troughs were not filled..


I removed the plugs and am spinning the motor over
on the starter with a 12 volt battery so it turns pretty quickly.  The
problem is that I get no oil pressure on the gauge.  The check valves in
the pump seem fine and when I blow back into the suction line one can hear
bubbles so the pick up pipe in the pan must be OK. The throttle to oil pump
cam is set at full stroke 


I have never encountered this problem before. 
Is there some way to prime these?  I am very reluctant to go on to fuel,
ignition, etc until I know the oil is being delivered.



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