Bunch on 27-30s Essex/Hudson Parts Found

Morning All,

I've uncovered a stash of engine and other parts

in Spokane, Washington. I just picked up a set of 29 headlights from this seller off Ebay. In our conversations I asked what other 29 parts he had. Come to find the elder father is selling his garage inventory and has "
3 1930s Essex engines, two have been stripped down to blocks, one is semi complete with transmission. There's some 27 Hudson stuff. Three Hudson transmissions maybe 1926 thru 1929. We found a 1929 Hudson gas tank its solid, not beat up, has several small rust holes in the bottom.

He said he has a 1929 Hudson bumper
he said its been re-chromed and is ready to go."

I've asked permission to list father's email and phone number.

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