Re: Right Hand Drive Cars - Wiring Query [1 Attachment]

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Sorry, I did not read your original  message
properly, re the instrument light switch.   The only reason for this
switch would be to switch them off of course.  Some drivers find the white
background of the instrument panel distracting at night.  There is a
conneciton on the back of the  headlamp swith which supplies both the tail
and  instrument lights, so I assume this goes to the separate switch you
have.  You cannot get 6volt bulbs below
6w for these fittings, so if you find them too bright, fit 12 v bulbs, you can
still see the instruments (just) without the glare from the white background. It
really   puzzles me why people would drill extra holes in a dash. when
they could just as easily  put it vertically on the bottom  fold-under
of the panel.


----- Original Message -----

Sent: Monday, October 28, 2013 11:01

Subject: RE: [HSS] Right Hand Drive Cars
- Wiring Query [1 Attachment]

Geoff, as you know, we're a very aberrant lot!  The very poor
picture attached shows my dash.  There's a pull-push switch for the
instrument lights immediately to the right of the instrument panel,
the main Clum light switch handle is over to the right and there's
another push-pull switch (electric wiper) barely visible at the extreme
right.  It's that switch next to the instruments that intrigues



[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, 28 October 2013 6:10 AM
Subject: Re: [HSS] Right Hand
Drive Cars - Wiring Query


All 1928 and 1929  r.h.d. cars have the
headlamp switch on the right hand side of the dash panel.   This is
actually a much better arrangement than the l.h.d. cars as it is less
complicated, and the  placement of the switch right under steering box
was diabolical, as it got covered in gr  oil and muck making it
diccifcult and messy.   I  in 1930 they moved the switch to the
bulkhead with a rod  connecting from the control shaft at the bottom of
the column, much better arrangement. I have new bronze  levers for
the  switch if you ever need one.  Never heard of the requirement
for seperate tail light switch. Must have been on those Oz abberations.


----- Original Message -----

Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2013 7:38

Subject: [HSS] Right Hand Drive Cars -
Wiring Query

Our '29 has a
separate switch on the dash for the instrument panel lights.  I see no
logical reason for this because the Clum switch is only inches away. 
The wiring looks very, very old. Are any other rhd cars done this


There's also
an external switch on the number plate bracket for the tail light.  I
know this was a requirement in Victoria (don't know about other states) many
years ago, but I can't recall the reason for it.



This discussion has been closed.