Bob, 29 Hudsons pull trailers. They do not
ride in them.
ride in them.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 9:49 AM
Subject: [HSS]
Hello Hudson Group Members,
I have look
in several books and can not find the demotions on a 1929 Hudson 5
passenger touring sedan.
in several books and can not find the demotions on a 1929 Hudson 5
passenger touring sedan.
My car is not put together yet. Still restoring
the car. I have a 15 Hudson and they had this information
the car. I have a 15 Hudson and they had this information
there parts and owner books. I have not found
any thing on the 29. I find wheel base, road clearance and
any thing on the 29. I find wheel base, road clearance and
stuff for the engine.
I would like some member that has a
finished car to give me the height ,width and length of the car.
finished car to give me the height ,width and length of the car.
I may buy a enclosed trailer and I want to make sure if the
29 fits inside. Thanks for your help.
29 fits inside. Thanks for your help.
Bob Hopkins Jr.
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