Re: Splash oil systems
Some months ago I posted an idea for fitting an oil filter and electric
pump to periodically filter the oil. Geoff responded that there was
nothing wrong with the system and leave it alone. Do not know why this is
in bold type, sorry
pump to periodically filter the oil. Geoff responded that there was
nothing wrong with the system and leave it alone. Do not know why this is
in bold type, sorry
Just now I am going through a 1920 E4 motor.
The oil pan was full of the gooiest, blackest treacle have ever
encountered. Anyway I proceeded and it appeared that the bottom of the
engine had never been touched and the rod bearings looked great. I hot
tanked the crankcase, crank, block etc and reassembled the crank to the
crankcase, plastigauging as I went. I could remove no shims from the front
or centre mains as the clearance was .002" and the thinnest shim was
.003" I was able to remove .002 shims from the rear main. How that
little oil pump could pump that goo is beyond me. The bottom of the filter
screen was missing as usual.
The oil pan was full of the gooiest, blackest treacle have ever
encountered. Anyway I proceeded and it appeared that the bottom of the
engine had never been touched and the rod bearings looked great. I hot
tanked the crankcase, crank, block etc and reassembled the crank to the
crankcase, plastigauging as I went. I could remove no shims from the front
or centre mains as the clearance was .002" and the thinnest shim was
.003" I was able to remove .002 shims from the rear main. How that
little oil pump could pump that goo is beyond me. The bottom of the filter
screen was missing as usual.
Obviously Geoff was correct as usual. I still
think some filtration of air and oil would be a good thing though.
think some filtration of air and oil would be a good thing though.
Does anyone have a source for E4 exhaust valves and
guides? 29 Hudson intakes are the same size and I could use those as I
have a NOS set. All I would have to do is cut a new groove for the
guides? 29 Hudson intakes are the same size and I could use those as I
have a NOS set. All I would have to do is cut a new groove for the
Also does anyone know how to dismantle the
gererator/distributor drive assembly. This is for a gear driven camshaft
so the early Hudsons may be the same or similar. The parts book lists a
pin for the distributor drive gear and a #5 Woodruff key. I can see no
sign of a pin at all. I have to get it apart as the fibre thrust faces
fell apart and I have to make new ones. Has any of you made these
up? What material did you use?
gererator/distributor drive assembly. This is for a gear driven camshaft
so the early Hudsons may be the same or similar. The parts book lists a
pin for the distributor drive gear and a #5 Woodruff key. I can see no
sign of a pin at all. I have to get it apart as the fibre thrust faces
fell apart and I have to make new ones. Has any of you made these
up? What material did you use?
This discussion has been closed.
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