Peddle extenders.
Hello members of the HET,
I finally solved the problem on my 15 Hudson. I
had a clutch problem where the clutch would not release all the
had a clutch problem where the clutch would not release all the
I did not have enough travel. I tried several kinds of
linkage. I still had the same problem.
linkage. I still had the same problem.
In my parts book they have peddle extenders. They
give a part number but no picture of what they look like.
give a part number but no picture of what they look like.
I think back in the 15 this may have been a dealer
item. Does any of the members have this on there cars.
item. Does any of the members have this on there cars.
I did make my own and now I can shift the car into low gear
with the engine running. Not before the extra travel
with the engine running. Not before the extra travel
on the clutch. Thanks for your help, and now I can
get back to my 29 project.
get back to my 29 project.
Bob Hopkins Jr.
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