Rust-oliem spar varnish on spokes

When we were discussing the loose spokes there was mention of vacuum impregnating varnish into the spokes. As I begin to pull together the necessary stuff to do my spokes I wanted to see if anyone had used this marine varnish and what what was the typical vacuum pulled and duration of that pull. From what little there is written of the exact process I believe 14hg vacuum is typical for 30 minutes. Does this sound correct?
Thanks Jack

"'Chris & Hugh Mackintosh' [HudsonSuperSix16-29]" <> wrote:


Hi Karl

No problem - anytime you're in Robin Hood country just call in for a ride!

Thanks for your help
On Saturday, 30 August 2014, 'Karl Hamson' [HudsonSuperSix16-29] <> wrote:

This discussion has been closed.