New 19" split rims
I am in contact with a company which can produce 19" split rims.
The are made of 304 stainless steel and fits the 29 modelyear, probably they fit earlier years as well, but I am not sure.
Reckon stainless is a good choice of material, as the strength is higher than for the original steel, and there are no problems with corrosion.
The price is dependant on size of production run, expected to be around:
USD 270 / Pcs., non surface treated.
USD 350/ Pcs. outer visible surface high gloss polished
Freight comes on top.
If anybody are interested, pls drop me a mail on "gj ad inrotech,com". Once I know the possible number, the price will be fixed.
I don't make money on this, merely interested in getting the number up in order to get the cost on the rims down:-)
best regards
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