1929 door handle retainers.
Greetings all '29 owners. I am looking
into getting a batch of interior door handle retainers machined out of
brass. The originals are die-cast, and usually break up in the process of
removing. Obviously, the more made the more economical, so I'm
asking for expressions of interest in getting these made. Please reply
a.s.a.p., and when I find out how many to make I'll come back with an
estimate of cost.
into getting a batch of interior door handle retainers machined out of
brass. The originals are die-cast, and usually break up in the process of
removing. Obviously, the more made the more economical, so I'm
asking for expressions of interest in getting these made. Please reply
a.s.a.p., and when I find out how many to make I'll come back with an
estimate of cost.
This discussion has been closed.
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