1929 Door handle retainers
Thank you to all those who responded. I have
heard back from the machine shop, and the cost of these works out at $15 each
(U.S.) Postage and handling is $20. I have told them to go
ahead. At this stage, I would like payment please, preferably to my
Paypal account at my email address. geoffclark@xtra.co.nz Please
include your name and mail address with each payment, and as soon as I receive
the retainers I will post them off to you. If you don't have
Paypal then add $15 Bank charge if paying by cheque. No Western Union
please. The replacement threaded retainers are brass, so I will give a 100 year
guarantee, and if not happy you can ask for your money back in 2115.
heard back from the machine shop, and the cost of these works out at $15 each
(U.S.) Postage and handling is $20. I have told them to go
ahead. At this stage, I would like payment please, preferably to my
Paypal account at my email address. geoffclark@xtra.co.nz Please
include your name and mail address with each payment, and as soon as I receive
the retainers I will post them off to you. If you don't have
Paypal then add $15 Bank charge if paying by cheque. No Western Union
please. The replacement threaded retainers are brass, so I will give a 100 year
guarantee, and if not happy you can ask for your money back in 2115.
Geoff Clark, 13 Eighty-eight Valley
Road, Wakefield, 7025, New Zealand.
Road, Wakefield, 7025, New Zealand.
This discussion has been closed.
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