1929 Essex head stud torque
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Hello from Bribie Island. I am a new member and my name is Mike. I am lucky to own a 29 Essex coupe which i have been custodian for 10 years. about 7 years ago i did the big end bearing driving to Brisbane and the car has been off the road since then. Two years ago i removed the covers and started to do something about it and started a chain reaction which had me pull down the complete drive line (why does that happen...??).
I have got to the stage of bolting the head down but for all my looking i am unable to find a difinitive torque value for these 3/8 unc stud nuts. I would like to insall them lubricated with anti seize so if someone can help me with the correct value i would very much appreciate it. the next question is how long before a follow up retensioning is required?
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