2nd Try Startup. Success!!
Thanks to everyone for getting me this far. I rotated the distributor 180 degrees since it wasn't firing on the power stroke. What do you know, it ran! There is good oil pressure and that's a plus. I need to fix some oil leaks, but first I need more help.
Now, I don't know when the last time the engine ran, and maybe this issue will clear up, but as you can see in the video, there is a lot of smoke coming from the vents on the side cover. What suggestions does anyone have for me?
2nd Try Starting My 1929 Essex
Now, I don't know when the last time the engine ran, and maybe this issue will clear up, but as you can see in the video, there is a lot of smoke coming from the vents on the side cover. What suggestions does anyone have for me?
2nd Try Starting My 1929 Essex
2nd Try Starting My 1929 Essex During the first try, the engine backfired through the carb. I rotated the distributor shaft 180 degrees and tried again. | |||||
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