1924ish Hudson Touring on Shorpy
Here is a very well accessoried Hudson Touring car:
It looks short for the 7 passenger, possibly a Speedster? This car appears to have about every gee-gaw it is possible to fit, even a nickeled radiator shell. I would sure love to find a set of those steel wheels now!
BTW, click on the pic to find out what others have had to say. In this case, the tires are detailed.
Paul, SoCal
It looks short for the 7 passenger, possibly a Speedster? This car appears to have about every gee-gaw it is possible to fit, even a nickeled radiator shell. I would sure love to find a set of those steel wheels now!
BTW, click on the pic to find out what others have had to say. In this case, the tires are detailed.
Paul, SoCal
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