1929 Hudson?
Attachments :
- 100_1058.JPG
- 100_1056.JPG
- 100_1055.JPG
- 100B1060.JPG
Dear All, with some of the discrepancies that have been identified (shocks & badge) I ask the experts in this group what do I have?
There is no ID tag on the firewall but the 1990 New State registration states the ID number as 828937 for this car.
This car has been pasted thru many owners since 1990 because someone stripped and kept stripping the flywheel gear - That is now fixed and it starts and runs fine - Other than it has a GM on it.
This car was painted black at one time long ago but under the black is like dark blue top & bottom with a lighter blue in belt line with cream pin stripping
Talking to Bob he said the motor should be green - this one is black with the following info:
Engine/motor number 566497
castings on block
1 29861
There is small plate on the firewall that reads:
Patented In Canada 1926 - 1927
United States Patents Pending
Cliff sent me some documentation on the Wahl shocks but the rears seem to different than what the documentation.
I have attached a few photos of the rt rear shock and radiator shell to see if they are correct.
Thank you for your help.
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