Attachments :
- Prescott esses '15.JPG
- hudson_prescott151.jpg
- hudson_prescott15 (11).jpg
- Chateaus Impney.jpg
The Centenary of the patent for the Super Six (28th Dec 1915) seems to have passed by without comment, so I wondered if there are any plans to celebrate the Centenary of the first year of Super Six production this year - 2016 ??
My Super Six racer has just completed its first year of competition after a 5 year re-build, although as a tribute to the success of the 1917 Hudson Team Cars it will be celebrating its Centenary next year.
To my amazement I managed to win the class for automobiled-engined Edwardian cars in the UK in 2015, but that was certainly due to quantity rather than quality of my performance.
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