EA Laboratories "Premier" Horn
Hudson Guys:
I have a EA Laboratories Premier horn on my 29 Briggs Body Town Sedan and it needs adjusting to get the right tone. This is the electromagnet style, not the motor driven horn. There are three adjustments on the horn - two under the cover and one down the throat. The adjustments under the cover seem to control: 1) the resting distance from the electromagnet and the diaphragm magnet and 2) the opening of the contacts. At the bottom of the horn throat, there is a bolt head, which I believe is connected to the diaphragm and has something to do with the tonal quality. I can send along some pictures if that would be helpful.
Thanks, Cliff
I have a EA Laboratories Premier horn on my 29 Briggs Body Town Sedan and it needs adjusting to get the right tone. This is the electromagnet style, not the motor driven horn. There are three adjustments on the horn - two under the cover and one down the throat. The adjustments under the cover seem to control: 1) the resting distance from the electromagnet and the diaphragm magnet and 2) the opening of the contacts. At the bottom of the horn throat, there is a bolt head, which I believe is connected to the diaphragm and has something to do with the tonal quality. I can send along some pictures if that would be helpful.
Thanks, Cliff
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