29 Essex coupe window regulator
Attachments :
- 20160302_131652.jpg
- 20160302_131546.jpg
I am replacing the window bailey channel in both doors as the windows were jamming when winding up or down. They would kick over to one side and i would have to jiggle the window by hand. Very annoying especially with a guest in the car. I have removed the glass and regulator and i found that the regulator lift working zone centre is 2 3/4" or 70mm from the centre point of the window. This would account for the window kicking to one side when in use. I have attched photos. I am thinking of shifting the lift roller back along a little to get the working zone closer to the centre of the glass for better ballance and operation.
Has anyone done this or any ideas?
Photos show working zone marks to the left of the centre mark...
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