Update......Who Owns This Car.......a Bit too Late
I emailed the officers of the Dixie Chapter hoping I'd be able to further document the restored 1929 Std Sedan I found in the video clip.
Unfortunately I'm a bit late. .......below is the response I received. Appears his Hudson collection has been liquidated without any known destination or new owner.
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Low <dicklow@bellsouth.net>
To: 'Jack Mcmullen' <forjack842@aol.com>
Cc: nandelf <nandelf@aol.com>; Charles Hatch <cwh4praxisprep@cs.com>
Sent: Fri, Mar 25, 2016 2:36 pm
Subject: RE: Member Question
Hi Jack,
This video was taken at the Georgia Tech Auto Show, probably in 2012 my blue 47 Super Six Brougham is parked beside the 29 and I see myself in the background in a couple of shots!
The beautiful 29 belongs to Charles Easley, who was president of the Dixie Chapter at the time. Unfortunately Charles health has since deteriorated drastically and he has not appeared at any of our meets for the past couple of years. Charles had a business in Atlanta, but his home was in Texas. I have not been able to get in touch with him for the past couple of years, he has not paid either his chapter or national dues, and I have no idea where his cars (he had several Hudsons) have gone, in spite of several attempts to track them down.
If I find out any more I will let you know, but at the moment I dont think there is much hope of getting the information you need.
Best regards,
Richard G. Low
Director, HET Eastern Region
Secretary/Editor, HET Dixie Chapter
622 Wesley Dr NW
Atlanta GA 30305-3922
404-352-8066 (Home)
404-606-0958 (Cell)
dicklow@bellsouth. net
From: Jack Mcmullen [mailto:forjack842@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2016 3:11 PM
To: dicklow@bellsouth.net; nandelf@aol.com; cwh4praxisprep@cs.com
Subject: Member Question
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2016 3:11 PM
To: dicklow@bellsouth.net; nandelf@aol.com; cwh4praxisprep@cs.com
Subject: Member Question
Good Afternoon,
I'm a member of the So Cal HET Chapter. I saw a video of a 1929 Hudson Standard Sedan owned by one of your members (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsSWk7Voz_s). ; I'm in the last leg of restoring my 1929 and would like to ask the owner if he had or would be willing to do a video of the entire exterior and interior to assist other members in their paint and upholstery decisions.
Jack McMullen
Lancaster, Calif
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