Quick Simple Raised Front Seat Rear Access Support Leg
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I thought I'd share this since I'm sure I'm not the only one who raises the front seat to access the battery and other stuff.
This mod in no way is seen while the seat is in its normal position. When the seat is raised gravity deploys the leg holding the seat in an a raised position. Returning the seat just requires a slight upward force at the robe bar and a lifting of the leg then controlling the seat as it returns to the floor. The seat up/back adjustment in not affected either and operates as it should.
This mod in no way is seen while the seat is in its normal position. When the seat is raised gravity deploys the leg holding the seat in an a raised position. Returning the seat just requires a slight upward force at the robe bar and a lifting of the leg then controlling the seat as it returns to the floor. The seat up/back adjustment in not affected either and operates as it should.
I used a scrap piece of 3/8 x 31/2 popular board, a 3" brass hinge and brass flat head screws.
I chiseled out the leg hinge mounting area so the hinge sits level to the wood of the leg. The leg ends are angle cut to match the seat and floor interfaces. I rounded the leg's floor end to have a nicer look and not catch on floor rug fibers.
Now I can raise the front seat thru the driver's or passenger's doors and the seat will automatically stay lifted. Wam Bam simple! Couple pics attached
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