Waiting, waiting!
to those who have ordered castings (radiator caps,
robe rail brackets, vent levers, etc.) I am still awaiting
these to come from the plating shop. I'm sorry these have taken so
long, and thank you for your patience. It is certainly not in my
interest to have to wait, as I have paid for these! As soon as
I receive them from the plating shop I will invoice each of you via Paypal,
and post them off. I believe the long wait is due to the
fact that the plating shop depends on production line stuff for their core
business, and the hobby stuff takes a bit more tiem to prepare. I
wish there was a solution, or more plating shops! Regards
to all,
robe rail brackets, vent levers, etc.) I am still awaiting
these to come from the plating shop. I'm sorry these have taken so
long, and thank you for your patience. It is certainly not in my
interest to have to wait, as I have paid for these! As soon as
I receive them from the plating shop I will invoice each of you via Paypal,
and post them off. I believe the long wait is due to the
fact that the plating shop depends on production line stuff for their core
business, and the hobby stuff takes a bit more tiem to prepare. I
wish there was a solution, or more plating shops! Regards
to all,
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