Excessive Cowl to Chassis Gap .
Hey Guys,
Need a bit of experience as to if I'm off base with this process.
I started aligning the bonnet to its hold downs today. Loosened all the chassis bolts removing their nuts. The approx 1/4" rubber fiber spacers on the right and left front are pretty much rotted away. I removed the 2 R&L sets and I lifted both sides an adding 2 x 1/4" birch ply needed to bring the rear hold downs in alignment with their catches on the bonnet. I'm concerned however with the gap between the cowl bottom and the apron, lot of daylight there.... very visible approx 3/8".
My other option on this alignment is to thin the radiator rubber standoffs probably lowering the radiator into the path of the hand crank.
Recommendations very welcome.
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