My 1928 Hudson Electrical
I've been looking for a lighting switch for over a year to place on the end of the steering column with no luck. I'm about to resort to a tractor lighting switch as a replacement because I would only need to make a bracket and acoupling adapter, which is easy. The correct operation of the switch, though, is not known to me. From the wiring diagram, I see that it turns on the cowl, tail, headlights plus dim the headlights. But in what order? When do the cowl light go on?
I have no wires anywhere in the car, no fuse block, relays, tail lights, backup light, turn signals, dash lights,, interior lights, nor anything else. I'd appreciate some info on how things should be for a driveable car. I bought a couple of NOS headlight relays to do the lights how they electrically should be done with, perhaps, halogens. I've tested the old headlight (one works) and they are so dim I can't see driving with it the original way. Advice for wiring and fuseblock anyone?
Tom Legbandt in New Jersey USA
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