Please Need Advice on Front Drivers Side Axle
I was swapping out an old tube on the drivers side front. When doing the first pass of tightening I felt the wheel kind of jerk up a bit. Looking closer with hub off there's very noticeable vertical play. This just happened as I mounted the newly restored wheel a week ago and this vertical play was not there. Checked the pass side its solid in the vertical. Removing the spindle cup at the bottom I can see movement of the spindle. Appears that the axle play is rooted there. The upper spindle is solid. Is there an adjustment to remove this play?
I was swapping out an old tube on the drivers side front. When doing the first pass of tightening I felt the wheel kind of jerk up a bit. Looking closer with hub off there's very noticeable vertical play. This just happened as I mounted the newly restored wheel a week ago and this vertical play was not there. Checked the pass side its solid in the vertical. Removing the spindle cup at the bottom I can see movement of the spindle. Appears that the axle play is rooted there. The upper spindle is solid. Is there an adjustment to remove this play?
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