1929 Hudson Coupe Project, NEED PARTS ***Please use the link in the
Looking for some parts for my 29 Hudson. I need a Marvel model "E" carb and appropriate Marvel Heat Control/Heat Riser. I have been offered a Marvel "E" carb but it is nearly useless without the aforementioned Heat Control and I have no idea of its condition... I'll try again to post a few pics of my 29, I also need things like a new steering wheel and one replacement inner lever, vacuum canister (not sure what model, I've heard about three different suggestions...) To save on typing take a look at the photos below ( if I can get them to load), if you see something missing that you have, feel free to let me know about it. The pics are taken shortly after as found in my friends fathers shop. **** PLEASE SEE LINK FOR PHOTOS, THEY AREN'T POSTING***
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