1916 Hudson questions
Attachments :
- IMG_0454.JPG
- IMG_0443.JPG
I have bought a 1916 Hudson Phaeton. In a good what appears to be amazingly good original condition. Same owner since 1955.
The title says clearly 1916, I have however come in doubt. The serial number is 69510, which doesn't seem to match any numbers of any years in the lists I have checked against. The number is stamped on the front left motor arm.
The combination switch does not look like the one I have found in various manuals (see attached photo)
Anybody having an idea about the correct year of my car??
Second question, on the right front floor, the is a small pedal, which seems to operate a valve on the exhaust. I have not been able to find this pedal/valve in any manual.
Any information as to the functionality is welcome
Thanks /gert
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