Hudson Cam/Crank Timing Chain Marks
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Geoff, Karl, please check me on this,
Reading the manual I see that the Hudson engines have one punch mark on the cam, Essex has two, both cranks have two. Mine has 2 punch marks on the cam but its a Hudson. 19 pins from crank between crank 2 punch marks to one pin before the cam 2 punch marks or between the two campunch marks?
I've got large red dots on the punch marks. Am I dead on on one off?
-----Original Message-----
From: 'Geoff Clark' [HudsonSuperSix16-29] <>
To: HudsonSuperSix16-29 <>
Sent: Fri, Mar 2, 2018 10:39 pm
Subject: Re: [HSS] Egge Timing Chain TC420
Senior Six (1929) used the same chain.
Ok I have a second engine waiting for a tear down. I'll add this to my "to do" list. Current engine destined for the car has the pistons, rings, wrist bushing and rod end shims already completed, and head installed, but just snugged up but not torqued. Have not found any Egge specs on their chain so its a phone call Monday. 25-28 Packards also use the same chain, but nothing there either.
From: 'Geoff Clark' [HudsonSuperSix16-29] <>
To: HudsonSuperSix16-29 <>
Sent: Fri, Mar 2, 2018 10:39 pm
Subject: Re: [HSS] Egge Timing Chain TC420
New Outlook Express and Windows Live Mail replacement - get it here:
Senior Six (1929) used the same chain.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jack Mcmullen [HudsonSuperSix16-29] <>
Reply-To: <>
Sent: 3/03/2018 5:41:24 PM
Subject: Re: [HSS] Egge Timing Chain TC420
Ok I have a second engine waiting for a tear down. I'll add this to my "to do" list. Current engine destined for the car has the pistons, rings, wrist bushing and rod end shims already completed, and head installed, but just snugged up but not torqued. Have not found any Egge specs on their chain so its a phone call Monday. 25-28 Packards also use the same chain, but nothing there either.
-----Original Message-----
From: 'Geoff Clark' [HudsonSuperSix16-29] <>
To: HudsonSuperSix16-29 <>
Sent: Fri, Mar 2, 2018 8:11 pm
Subject: Re: [HSS] Egge Timing Chain TC420
From: 'Geoff Clark' [HudsonSuperSix16-29] <>
To: HudsonSuperSix16-29 <>
Sent: Fri, Mar 2, 2018 8:11 pm
Subject: Re: [HSS] Egge Timing Chain TC420
Doesn't weaken the rods. I have done dozens of them, none broke
New Outlook Express and Windows Live Mail replacement - get it here:
----- Original Message -----From: Jack Mcmullen [HudsonSuperSix16-29] <>Reply-To: <>Sent: 3/03/2018 1:48:29 PMSubject: Re: [HSS] Egge Timing Chain TC420
I had thought of that but left stock since I wasnt sure if grinding would weaken the rod end. After pulling a few I get a pattern down that made it a bit quicker. Gotta admit pulling the first up only to suddenly stop was a surprise. First time I had to pop a wrist pin to get a piston out. Oh well its a Hudson.
-----Original Message-----
From: 'Geoff Clark' [HudsonSuperSix16-29] <>
To: HudsonSuperSix16-29 <>
Sent: Fri, Mar 2, 2018 4:32 pm
Subject: Re: [HSS] Egge Timing Chain TC420
onder why Hudson never made them that way!
From: 'Geoff Clark' [HudsonSuperSix16-29] <>
To: HudsonSuperSix16-29 <>
Sent: Fri, Mar 2, 2018 4:32 pm
Subject: Re: [HSS] Egge Timing Chain TC420
Jack, you can overcome the separating of the rod and piston by grinding a very small amount off each side of the rod, thus allowing the rod to come up through the cylinder. W
New Outlook Express and Windows Live Mail replacement - get it here:
onder why Hudson never made them that way!
----- Original Message -----From: Jack Mcmullen [HudsonSuperSix16-29] <>Reply-To: <>Sent: 3/03/2018 9:16:44 AMSubject: Re: [HSS] Egge Timing Chain TC420
I've had a head gaskets blow while burping, severe back fire. I took the head down for a resurfacing, had a .009" warp around the #4 cylinder which was where the head gasket failed. This is the same cylinder the allowed water the enter after a year down time while I rebuilt the wood spoke wheels. With head off and out for resurfacing, I pulled the pistons/rods. I must admit the need to separate piston & rod is a bit of a pain. Wrist pin bushing were sloppy, so new rings and bushings. Was planning to have the block surfaced and cylinders bored. However, previously I have had very bad experiences with removing these studs in 2 other parts blocks no matter how careful I was. More broke embedded in the block than retrieved. So I straight edged the block finding only a .0015" space at the #4. Using Egge std ring the gaps were ~ 0.016-18 which was within their specifications.
So the last thing is the timing chain whic
h is pretty much at almost its end adj. So planning to do this next, hence my questions.
Also am planning to check the dist centrifugal springs. Found an Idle Needle valve in a 2 jet brass bowl Ebay parts Marvel that fit my 3 jet so installed that to help reduce the very rich mixture even with the 30ga wire in idle and middle jets.
Tried to cut some corners on cost using as much as is as I could, so the 30 hour run up on the engine stand was worth it and changed my mind on replacing more of the worn parts. This head gasket failure happened days before my planned install into the car. On the stand its a 15 minute head pull and everything else is a bedside access.
-----Original Message-----
From: Karl Hamson [HudsonSuperSix16-29] <>
To: HudsonSuperSix16-29 <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 1, 2018 8:36 pm
Subject: Re: [HSS] Egge Timing Chain TC420
On Mar 1, 2018, at 8:00 PM, Jack Mcmullen [HudsonSuperSix16-29] <> wrote:
From: Karl Hamson [HudsonSuperSix16-29] <>
To: HudsonSuperSix16-29 <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 1, 2018 8:36 pm
Subject: Re: [HSS] Egge Timing Chain TC420
I put an Egge chain on my 23. I thought you had 30 hours of bench test on your motor. Why are you looking for rings, timing chain etc now?
Sent from my iPad
On Mar 1, 2018, at 8:00 PM, Jack Mcmullen [HudsonSuperSix16-29] <> wrote:
Hi Karl,
Thanks for the Ebay reference. Was hoping for a "ready to install" alternative maybe a Summit or ? for about $200. If all else, have you used the chain from Egge ?-----Original Message-----
From: KARL HAMSON [HudsonSuperSix16-29] <>
To: HudsonSuperSix16-29 <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 1, 2018 12:16 pm
Subject: Re: [HSS] Egge Timing Chain TC420Check Ebay. They often have 10' lengths of morse chain or equal for about $80. You need the centre guide and the correct width is ideal. Karl
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 1, 2018, at 12:06 PM, Jack Mcmullen [HudsonSuperSix16-29] <> wrote:Any body bought this chain for their 29? Its almost $300, is there a low cost one available else where?Thanks
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