Floor Boards
My 1928 has no floor, and that's not surprising anymore. Can someone please tell me about it? There are formed metal plates riveted across the body with a turned lip as a hat section that I believe support the front seat. If so, the seat is fastened to the body, not the frame. There are also hat section plates riveted across the frame. Do the boards set in between the combination of all the riveted plates?...or across the top of the frame and body supports? I assume the boards go across the width of the frame. I assume the six holes in each of the riveted body plates fasten the front bench seat? And the thickness is 1/2 inch? How do they fasten in place? small wood screws from below?
I read about a firewall plate in a post from last October. Well, I'm either missing that or the 28 is different. If its missing I'll bend it up from sheet metal if I can figure out how its supposed to be. How does the horizontal floor join to the slanted front floor at the firewall?
Maybe someone could post a pic of what they have working.
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