MMP: Many Miscellaneous Parts
There are many tiny parts needed for our cars. I have the feeling that each one of us has inependently come up against the difficulty of knowing the name, source and part number.
Can anyone give me advice on a few, with many more to follow, I'm sure.
1. The clevis and rod ends used in the various linkages, such as choke. BTW, how does it fasten to the end of the cable? A picture would be a great help. Is there a good looking replacement cable and knob?
2. The rubber bumpers for the hood hold downs, and they need rivets, too.
3. The tape that goes between the hood and the radiator, also between hood and cowl, held by rivets.
4. Replacement windshield wiper motors, wiper arm and everything else related.
5. The nickle plated metal cup at the bottom of the headlight stabilizing vertical post.
6. The clam shell spare tire holder/mounting bracket.
7. Door window seals.
8. Rear window seal. BTW, how does it fasten in place to be water tight?
9. Rear view mirror over front window where there are three screw holes.
10. Replacement for the rear step light that goes in the hole in the frame under the rear door. What is it wired to?
Thanks, \Tom
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