1921 Motor-, gear- and clutch oils
I'm not far away from firing up my 1921 Hudson Super-Six now after 11 years of restoration, but quering about oilgrades/mix for motor, clutch and gearbox.
For the clutch, the Hudson repair manual recommend a mixture of oil and kerosine wheras other apply a pure ATF-oil. Some of those I've takled to have experienced that the clutch slips when they've driven the vehicle for a while. Has anyone got a suggestion on the mixture that works best with the cork-clutch?
As for the motor and gear, has anyone got some reference to grades for these!
Best Regards
I'm not far away from firing up my 1921 Hudson Super-Six now after 11 years of restoration, but quering about oilgrades/mix for motor, clutch and gearbox.
For the clutch, the Hudson repair manual recommend a mixture of oil and kerosine wheras other apply a pure ATF-oil. Some of those I've takled to have experienced that the clutch slips when they've driven the vehicle for a while. Has anyone got a suggestion on the mixture that works best with the cork-clutch?
As for the motor and gear, has anyone got some reference to grades for these!
Best Regards
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