28 Headlight Housing
Oh, first I tried looking for the wire and connector that goes to the headlight, but haven't found a source yet. Maybe a Model A Ford source has it? The parts do look similar, but will they fit? But then the threads on the bucket outside connector are damaged, and one is pretty well flattened anyway. So then after taking it apart, I notice the insulation falling of the wires, and the socket won't come apart from the bucket because of water corrosion. Water in my headlights? Well, of course, since the gaskets are in pieces, why not? Maybe a very large rubber gasket would be better... Restoration Supply doesn't have these parts. I'll need the same for the cowl lights.
After rambling, my question is where do I go to get the right parts and the armored cable with power connector too?
BTW, the springs are missing that are supposed to hold the lens in place. Am I correct that there are supposed to be springs there? Seems likely so the lens won't just fall out, and I don't need that. Are these obtainable somewhere?
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