29 Super Six back from the dead.
Woohoo!!! She lives!! The Sedan I took out of 30+ years storage ran today.......not well.....but it ran!!! Engine was stuck. 8 valves were stuck. Oil pump was stuck. Distributor parts came in a box. Starter switch was corroded. Hoses were rotten. Carb was gunked up. Pulled pan and cleaned. Rod cap babbit checked. Even after everything freed up......still no compression on 4 cylinders. Valves were too tight. Now, good compression on all 6 and carb rebuilt. Timing close enough.... it runs. Great oil pressure....no knocking. BUT...... verrrrry underpowered and sluggish. Im not confident timing is right. Im open to any and alll suggestions on what to check/adjust to make it peppy again. Or maybe it just tired, or broken rings?? Poor valve seating?. Carb adjustment?. Help!!
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