6 Volt Alternators
So, here's a question for those of you who have installed one-wire alternators, but stuck with 6 volts. How have you dealt with the charge light on the dash? The solutions I've seen for one-wire alternators with Amp lights are for negative ground systems. I'm curious if anyone has been able to convert to one-wire 6 volt and retain the Amp light. I know a volt meter is probably a better indicator, but just curious.
Use a 2 wire, 1 terminal goes to the dash light the other goes to batt. very easy, forget the i wire alt.0
Agree with tombia.0
Oh, like a 2 wire 10SI? Ok. I was wondering if I was over thinking it.0
You can use a relay and a zener diode. The gen light is activated by the ignition switch through n/c points, and the relay coil is activated by a 7.2v zener. When you turn the switch on the light will glow, and when the alternator gets up to 7.2 volts the relay will energize and open the circuit.0
More importantly does your overdrive work if fitted. Connected mene to hot side of starter solenoid as recommended but not working.0
It should work whether connected to the alternator, or the hot terminal of the solenoid. Circuit is from Batt. to o/d coil, to govenor, which provides ground.0
Hi Geoff
The master from across the ditch. Would running a petronix ignition module affect this?0 -
Not sure if the kick-down would function with a Pertronix, I have no experience with these.0
Worked well before alternator installed. Will have a play around over weekend.
Cheers0 -
Geoff this is how unit is wired in.
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