Resto-Mod horn question
in Street Rods
Does anyone have any experience with using modern steering and the original Hudson steering wheel?
Haven't figures how to hook up the horn wire when you can't run it down through the steering shaft.
Following. I really don’t want to put some goofy switch somewhere, but I haven’t figured it out yet either. I will be using a 54 Hudson wheel on a 67 Cadillac tilt/telescoping column.0
I put a power steering unit to the bottom of a stock 1951 Hornet steering column, which eliminated the horn wire through the column. The stock Hudson horn ring is isolated from ground by rubber and plastic insulators and only sounds when it is grounded. I brought the wire up through the turn signal connection and bolted it to the metal base under the clear plastic insulator. You have to adjust the tension screws of the clear plastic insulator for the horn ring to make contact with the metal.0
54 coupe ask bent metal if he can post some pictures of what I had made to put my 36 Desoto banjo wheel on a GM column for my Terraplane I am using the Desoto horn button with the wire going through the top half of the adapter witch hooks to the wire coming up through bottom half of the adapter that mounts on the GM column there is an upper and lower adapter and not only dose it look great you can set it up to use any wheel you would like to use it also has a very special safety feature built into it.0
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