Help identifying driving lights

35Terra Senior Contributor
Found these on my shelf. That say made in France. 12volts. About 5 1/2” round. Any idea what they are for and worth?


  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    edited November 2020
    Might be Marchal or Cibie (two French lamp manufacturers).  Not sure they would have been specially made for any particular brand of car.  If they were, then the numbers printed on the box would be key to finding the correct application.  But -- do these include a shell, and mounting brackets?  It looks like all you have is the lens and reflector for each.
  • 35Terra
    35Terra Senior Contributor
    Yep. What you see is all I have. They appear to be in nice shape but haven’t put 12v to them. Not sure which is the ground wire. Both wires are black and they are labeled F and M. Looks like Cluteroche is on the front. 
  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    Auteroche.  There's plenty to be found about them, on Google.
  • 35Terra
    35Terra Senior Contributor
    Thanks Jon. You are correct about the spelling. Sure looked like Cluteroche to me. And I have found some info on them now. Thought they might be rare and someone might be looking for them. They appear to be a dime a dozen. I’ll throw them back on the shelf unless someone needs them.