308 engine machining

Can anyone tell me is there is a machine shop in maybe Colorado or Utah, that can machine my 55, 308 so I can install the larger intake and exhaust valves in my engine. The only engine manufacturing shop in Casper WY, is only able to bore my engine. They are unable to enlarge the valve part of my block, so i can install larger valves.


  • Try Paul's Custom Grinding Service in Denver %/\3032952947÷×*
    They did my long block 308. I have no idea if they can bore the valves for you, but worth a call. They've been around forever.
  • My guy here in So Cal can do all of it, if you can’t find anyone closer.
  • give me his name and contact number please

  • PM sent
  • Are there any machine shops in Central California, like the Bay area that can work in a Hudson block?
  • For future readers. Looks like Paul's closed up shop.