Front wheel bearings and grease 1923 Hudson
Now that I have my front wheels off ready to varnish the wood I have a question about the wheel bearings. I found two cone shaped races. Think after 98 years it is time to clean them. What would you use? Kerosene? Our should I leave them alone. When repacking them what would you suggest I use? Any wheel bearing grease or is there something special. Waiting for a reply from someone with more knowledge than me.
Yes, kerosene is fine, and finish off with gasoline to get really clean. any good modern hi-temp w/b grease is good. Remember that you have to pack the grease into the bearings, not just wipe over the outside. Use the back of a knife, and push the grease down in between the rollers until it comes out the other side. check the inner race of the cone for defects first. Hold it up so you can see the inner surface and revolve it around and check for nicks, hollows and worn sections.0
Thanks Geoff for the help and advice. I will follow your directions!Robert0
In 1924 they had big flat washers each side of the felt seal. Couldnt find modern seals to fit. I have spare complete set of NOS front brgs - 4 cups and 4 cones for sale. ozhudsonatgmail.com0
Maybe I'm missing something Barry. I did find a large flat washer behind the nut when I took the wheel off but no felt seals. Guess I need a picture to know what I am missing. If so I would indeed need to buy what you have. Can you send a photo to my e-mail atrhurst@nternet.comThanksRobert0
The felt seal goes behind a large washer, which is behind the inner bearing, not the nut.0
I must be missing both the washer behind the larger inner bearing and the felt seal.Do you have these for sale?Robertrhurst@nternet.com0
I looked in all my books and don't find a mention of the felt washer on my 1923 model. There may have been one there between the larger bearing race and a washer? Someone else may not have replaced the bearing without it. Is it possible that the earlier models didn't have the felt washer?I have a repair manual for the 1927 model that shows several felt washers in the axle area. Any thoughts on this Geoff?Robert0
The felt washer goes between the large steel washer and the stub axle, and fits the recess in the hub. The felt washers in the rear axle are oil seals.0
I will have to take a picture of my hub. There is no recess as the larger bearing race fits up against it without any metal washer or felt washer. There is a large metal washer in front of the smaller bearing race which the nut fits in front of. Maybe a different design in 1923?Robert0
No, the design was the same right through. There should be a large 1/8" thick hard steel washer, with a machined rounded centre which fits against the inner end of the stub axle, the same inner diameter as the stub axle. The inner bearing fits against this washer. There should also be a retainer which fits right against the surface of the hub axle, and the felt seal goes inside this, and between the large washer.0
This is my front axle. Does it look like the one you have that has the large metal washer on the back bearing and the felt washers? If so let me know where I can get them.Robert0
You are showing me the exact picture of the washer with the felt seal behind it. what am I missing?0
I guess it is what I am missing! I thought what I was seeing was a fixed part of the axle.It doesn't move or I really haven't tried to move it. That's why I need guys like you. Thanks for setting me straight.Robert0
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