As usual the latest WTN is absolutely wonderful. Thank you Sam and Mary Ann!
I do want to give a special kudos to Kyra Cooper for her wonderful article. It is so well written and VERY true!
Being the proud father of 2 full grown daughters I can visualize what they must have thought about our adventures when they were younger, but never complained.
Thank you Kyra!
I do want to give a special kudos to Kyra Cooper for her wonderful article. It is so well written and VERY true!
Being the proud father of 2 full grown daughters I can visualize what they must have thought about our adventures when they were younger, but never complained.
Thank you Kyra!
I love the peaceful, solitude photo on the back cover of Geoff Clark with his Hudson Jet Liner.0
Indeed a great picture!
I got a good laugh from this pic in the WTN!0
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