Hood Ornament Attachment Cup Washers
Might someone know of a source for the small cup washers used on the inside of the grille to attach the hood ornament in place? They are not Hudson-specific, but were used on a lot of different cars in the '30s, and came in various sizes. I'm looking for a few of the smaller ones, about 9/16 diameter across the bottom, with a hole for a #10 screw, but not sure that the specific size is that important. I've not seen a modern replacement, but may not have been looking in the right place.
rockyc said:Might someone know of a source for the small cup washers used on the inside of the grille to attach the hood ornament in place? They are not Hudson-specific, but were used on a lot of different cars in the '30s, and came in various sizes. I'm looking for a few of the smaller ones, about 9/16 diameter across the bottom, with a hole for a #10 screw, but not sure that the specific size is that important. I've not seen a modern replacement, but may not have been looking in the right place.0
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