Steering Shaft Lub bag?
Not sure what this part is called and where to get a new one. Looks like a cloth bag that fits around the steering mechanism where the grease nipple is. The bag seems to hold the grease. Think I need a new one but don't know what it is called or where I can find one.
Looks like an early shock absorber. Without seeing it perhaps the bag just keeps the dirt out0
I believe he’s referring to the jacket over the drag link with the grease fitting sticking out of the end.. my 29 has one on it and I’ve seen vinyl replacements in kits with the inner cups and spring .0
You are right I was referring to the jacket over the drag link grease fitting. The feel of it makes me think it is rawhide? Barry is also right. Above it is their idea of a shock absorber. Any sources for the vinyl replacements? Might want to use duck tape.Robert0
I have the same intact on my hudson 8 of 34 survivor
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Jack,Is your bag made out of rawhide or leather? Looks like mine is tied on with a piece of rawhide too.Robert0
Exactly the same as you
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Wonder if anyone is making them? Mine has a tear in it. Would like to replace it instead of repairing it.Robert0
Can a good shoemaker be?
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