Senior Contributor
What amp fuse is used for a Jet clock? Also what colors were Jet dashes painted?
Hi John when I got my clock gone through the clock guy told me to use a 2 amp fuse no higher because you could burn your clock points in the event your battery went to low and the points were closed and you did not have enough juice for them to open.0
I've seen Jet dashes in green, brown, and blue.0
Thanks. The 2 amp fuses I have are half the size of a normal fuse. If I put two together to fit in fuse holder, does that make 4 amps or still 2 amps?0
If you connect two or more than two fuses in series nothing will change. It functioning as the single one. Every fuse has some limit for current if it exceed it will burn. But if you connect in parallel then the total current carrying capacity will increase.
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My Jet had a red interior originally. I hated it so changed it a mid blue.0
Thanks for the information.0
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