Polishing reflectors?

What do you recommend to polish the reflectors in the head and cowl lights on my 31 Hudson?  How much play is acceptable in the wooden wheel spokes?


  • Lampblack was used on the silvered reflectors and polished with a very soft cloth. Not sure if lampblack is available any more.

    Remember to always use a polishing motion that goes from rim to the base of the bulb. Don’t use the easier circular polishing motion. Even the finest polishing medium leaves minute scratches, and if a circular motion is used, the light is diffused. Straight minute scratches starting at the bulb going out to the rim make for brighter lights

  • Thanks Tom!
  • Old Fogey UK
    Old Fogey UK Expert Adviser
    A brand new very soft dry chamois leather works but you mustn't rub too hard.
    The old manuals said to use lampblack - I know that here in England we're years behind the times but I've never even seen the stuff !
  • 35 Terraplane
    35 Terraplane Senior Contributor
    I used a micro fiber towel purchased at a musical instrument store that’s used to polish brass wind instruments. Used the technique as Tomlewis described above and very gently.  The silver apparently is very thin and easily rubbed off. 
  • On wheels: I inserted strips of .006 (etc) brass stock down in any space between spokes at the hub. Should go all way from back to front and down as far as possible.
    This during my wheel restoration on '31 Franklin.

  • Jon B
    Jon B Administrator
    edited March 2021

    2 oz. for $5.50, from United Nuclear, https://unitednuclear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16_17_69&products_id=150

    also try Ebay.  Example:
    $9.95 + free shipping:  https://www.ebay.com/itm/Lampblack-Charcoal-black-vine-black-Carbon-Black-Chemistry-Sample/281765124130?hash=item419a829822:g:36YAAOSwy~JfkyC~

    Follow TomLewis' instructions on wiping from center of reflector, outwards.  Another hint; be sure to have a good gasket around the perimeter of your reflector to prevent degradation of the silver.  I had my 1937 reflectors re-silvered 15-20 years ago and they're still bright.  I cut 1/4" strips from H-O scale model train imitation track ballast (made from cork), they wedged right into the channel around the reflector.  Run a separate ground wire from your socket, consider using a relay (to bypass old switches and wiring).  Be on the lookout for more powerful lamps, like halogen or LED.  I have used both in my '37, they now make them with the original style bases that fit right into the original sockets.  They might fit the '27 socket (Geoff Clark uses halogens in his everyday '28 Essex, I believe).  Much brighter than original.
  • Great advice!  I will definitely add relays and a ground wire as I am switching to LEDS.
  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    Absolutely no play is acceptable  in wooden spoke wheels.