Biggest tire/wheel size anyone has?
in Street Rods
What is the biggest tire/wheel size anyone here has put in a stock Step-down Hudson wheel well?
Was thinking of a 17 or 18" wheel, has anyone tried it successfully?
Thanks in advance.
Was thinking of a 17 or 18" wheel, has anyone tried it successfully?
Thanks in advance.
I'm using 275/60-15's (about 11' wide, at the bulged out side wall) on my 54. They are on 15 x 8" wheels. I have used this combo on a '52 Wasp as well. Fender skirts will not fit with these on either car, and I had to deflate the tires and put them on, then air them back up again. I really don't see this as an issue, because I use a normal sized spare tire, so if I get a flat out on the road, it's not a problem. I don't care for the larger diameter wheels, so I haven't tried them.0
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