Master cylinder
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Hi changed from drums to disks on my truck now time for the Master cylinder any thoughts on how to mount it what to look for, issues changing rod cutting down???
Thank you Charlie
Thank you Charlie
What's your application? On my '41, I made a plate with two studs that mounted to where the old master was, that the new master bolted to. I would suggest using a 7/8" bore master cylinder, to reduce the amount of pedal pressure require, it you are not using a booster. (I'm not using a booster, and the brakes work great.)0
Sorry, I see now, you did tell us your application. I did my 41 coupe at least 10 years ago, and I don't remember what I had to do with the rod, but I don't recall having any issues or strange or troubling things come up.0
Thank you I will do some looking and thinking0
There are good reasons why car makers started using double master cylinders when front disc/rear drum brake systems were introduced, this was before dual circuit brake systems became mandatory.
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If you are going to use a dual master cylinder you will need a bracket like this to mount to your frame rail:
From my recent experience I would definitely go with a 7/8" bore. I recently used this Wildwood MC:"+bore+master+cylinder&qid=1622073753&s=automotive&sr=1-7
I would also use a distribution block to run separate lines to the front discs:
You will need to put residual pressure valves in the front (disk) (2lbs) and the rear (drum) lines (10lbs) since the MC will be lower than the brakes.,automotive,151&sr=1-3
Now if you want to have a dual power MC setup under the floor you will need:
Note that most of the remote power boosters are setup for single circuits not dual!!
There are setups where they combine a 7inch booster with MC under the floor but I do know how that may or may not work on a Hudson truck.
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