Wanted 1954 Hudson Hornet
charles west in greenwood SC has several, 864 993 6981. tell him patrick from nova scotia told you to call0
The car pictured is advertised on Facebook. Thought this matched your request.0 -
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Used Parts and Car for Sale - Long Time member Leiland Walker, located outside of Sulphur Springs, Texas.One 1954 Hudson Hornet 4-door, fairly good body, missing engine and transmission, good S/S grill, rear all good, dash with radio, front hood and front fenders good $500, grill shells for ’54 $250, 1ea Wide rocker stainless for ’51-52 $20, asst. parts including fly rings 10 ea, water pump cores 6 @ $3.00 ea, various trim and tail lights $30 for all, pair of coupe doors for ’49-’52 $75 pair, Pacemaker Hood fair $10, brake drums four for ’49-52 $7.50 ea or $30 all , drive shafts long and short $15ea., radiators one for ‘49-53 & one for ‘54 $20 ea, Stepdown stainless pieces all for $20, 1953 Hudson 262 engine with dual range Hydramatic $200, other misc. parts. Good pair of fenders skirts for 1954 Hudson Hornet $60. Also Hudson Mechanic manuals several $30 to $40 each.Take all or part, will negotiate, $1000 for all including the 1954 Hudson.Leiland Walker, cell number 903-243-3523
Not my car or parts....0
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