The Railton Owners Club maintains a very wide stock of mechanical parts for the 254 eight cylinder cars that are available to Club members.0
Bearings are babbit, and need to be poured and bored to match the crank. Around here, they cost about $100 each. The hard part is finding someone who still does it.0
54coupe said:Bearings are babbit, and need to be poured and bored to match the crank. Around here, they cost about $100 each. The hard part is finding someone who still does it.Thanks for the info0
Old Fogey UK said:The Railton Owners Club maintains a very wide stock of mechanical parts for the 254 eight cylinder cars that are available to Club members.0
Lester Harris in Nevada, (775) 267-2559Lester ships all over the world, and at 91 years old, does not have or believe in computers. Phone orders only.0
Nevada Hudson said:Lester Harris in Nevada, (775) 267-2559Lester ships all over the world, and at 91 years old, does not have or believe in computers. Phone orders only.
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