Transmision throwout bearing
Hi, I had my Transmision out for two years, does anybody have photos of the linkage, from the clutch pedal to the throwout bearing, I have no idea were anything goes,thanks for your help.
Lost of help available here, tell us what year Hudson you are working on.
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1948 super six0
does anyone have a photo of. the clutch linkage to the throw-out fork??0
Use my website
there is a picture showing the linkage and interfaced as well as other info on clutch maintenance. Ken0 -
hi, I went on the website and made a donation, but it did not show how the linage goes to the fork of the throwoutbearing,any help.0
Redrider the linkage diagram is in the in the parts and mechanical procedures manuals. On the Clutch page of my website the linkage diagram appears in the center of the page, the pictures of the clutch adjustment appears on page 7-1 of the mechanical procedures manual.0
I'm sorry Glowplug, I can not find it, is it possible for you to send me a photo of it?0
Here is the diagram
I have also included a PDF that was created from documents reviewed and written by myself and Doug Wildrick.0
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