Light bulbs

I'm having a problem finding bulbs for my 1950 Hudson, None of the parts stores have them, or can get them.


  • The bulbs shouldn't be hard to find.  They are fairly common.  For example, the table below is for a 1951 Hudson (from the Owner's Manual).  A quick search shows 55 bulbs are easily available at Advance Auto:    It is usually the part stores databases that don't recognize that they carry the part you need.

  • Shelby, What bulbs do you need ? I have a bunch
  • Geoff
    Geoff Senior Contributor
    Check ebay,  under Hudson, they regularly have listings for 6 volt bulbs for specific kames.  
  • Go to a good parts store like NAPA to find the odd ball stuff, the mass chains employ kids that don’t know crap about anything new much less an old car. 
  • agree with Geoff. I’ve found all of the 6v bulbs for my ‘34 Terraplane and ‘46 Hudson on eBay, either NOS or new stock.